
Bitmap Resizer

World's simplest bitmap tool
This is a free browser-based utility that resizes bitmap files. You can resize your bitmap via the options by specifying the desired width and height (in pixels) of the new bitmap or drag the bitmap by its corners and adjust its size interactively. You can also preserve the aspect ratio of bitmap sides and change the dimensions proportionally. Created by graphics designers from team Browserling.
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New Width and Height
BMP width.
BMP height.
Empty fields retain the original bitmap dimensions.
Width and Height Ratio
Resize BMP image width and height proportionally.

What is a Bitmap Resizer?

learn more about this tool
This online program changes the dimensions of a BMP image. It can increase or decreases the width and height of a bitmap to any size you need. The new dimensions can be entered in the width and height options fields. If the width or height field is left empty, then the new width or height isn't updated and that dimension is displayed in its original size. You can also resize the BMP manually by clicking and dragging the resize boxes around the border of the input image. If you want the ratio of the bitmap's width and height to be constrained, use the "Lock Width/Height Ratio" resize mode. This mode fixes the proportion of width to height so that if one of them changes, the other changes automatically.

Bitmap Resizer examples

Click to use
Resize a Pupper
In this example, we use our resizing program to reduce the size of a BMP picture. The original bitmap size is 250px by 330px and the resized one is 152px by 200px. To prevent the picture of the doggo from shrinking (or stretching) disproportionately in the output, we enable the "Lock Aspect Ratio" option. This option makes sure if one of the sizes shrinks (or stretches) the other does exactly the same.
In this example, we use our resizing program to reduce the size of a BMP picture. The original bitmap size is 250px by 330px and the resized one is 152px by 200px. To prevent the picture of the doggo from shrinking (or stretching) disproportionately in the output, we enable the "Lock Aspect Ratio" option. This option makes sure if one of the sizes shrinks (or stretches) the other does exactly the same.
In this example, we use our resizing program to reduce the size of a BMP picture. The original bitmap size is 250px by 330px and the resized one is 152px by 200px. To prevent the picture of the doggo from shrinking (or stretching) disproportionately in the output, we enable the "Lock Aspect Ratio" option. This option makes sure if one of the sizes shrinks (or stretches) the other does exactly the same.
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
BMP width.
BMP height.
Resize BMP image width and height proportionally.
Create a Square Mario
This example resizes a bitmap without keeping the aspect ratio of its sides. It loads a bitmap of Mario in the input, turns off the aspect ratio lock option, and sets both the height and width to 200 pixels. Thus, in the output, we get a square image of the vertically squeezed superhero.
This example resizes a bitmap without keeping the aspect ratio of its sides. It loads a bitmap of Mario in the input, turns off the aspect ratio lock option, and sets both the height and width to 200 pixels. Thus, in the output, we get a square image of the vertically squeezed superhero.
This example resizes a bitmap without keeping the aspect ratio of its sides. It loads a bitmap of Mario in the input, turns off the aspect ratio lock option, and sets both the height and width to 200 pixels. Thus, in the output, we get a square image of the vertically squeezed superhero.
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
BMP width.
BMP height.
Resize BMP image width and height proportionally.
All bitmap tools
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Quickly convert a BMP file to the base-64 encoding.
Quickly convert base-64 encoding to a BMP file.
Quickly convert an opaque bitmap to a transparent bitmap.
Quickly create a bitmap file from random colorful pixels.
Quickly change the width/height of a bitmap.
Quickly animate a bitmap sprite sheet.
Coming soon These bitmap tools are on the way
Edit and Draw Bitmaps
Create and edit bitmaps in your browser.
Compress a Bitmap
Make a bitmap smaller in size.
Uncompress a Bitmap
Convert a compressed bitmap to a raw RGB pixel bitmap.
Convert RGB Bitmap to BGR Bitmap
Convert BMP colors in RGB order to BGR order
Convert BGR Bitmap to RGB Bitmap
Convert BMP colors in BGR order to RGB order
Change Bitmap Colors
Substitute one color for another in a bitmap.
Change Bitmap Depth
Change the number of bits per pixel of a bitmap.
Blur a Bitmap
Blur areas of a bitmap.
Sharpen a Bitmap
Sharpen any bitmap area.
Pixelate a Bitmap
Increase pixel size in any bitmap area.
Swirl a Bitmap
Create a swirl of any radius in a bitmap.
Convert a Bitmap to Grayscale
Leave only grayscale tones in a bitmap.
Make Bitmap Black and White
Reduce all bitmap colors to just black and white.
Merge Bitmaps
Join two or more bitmaps together.
Overlay Bitmaps
Place two or more bitmaps on top of each other.
Split a Bitmap
Split a bitmap into multiple independent bitmaps.
Extract a Bitmap Fragment
Extract one or more selected areas from a bitmap.
Duplicate a Bitmap
Make copies of bitmaps and paste them together.
Rotate a Bitmap
Rotate a bitmap by any angle.
Crop a Bitmap
Select a region from a bitmap.
Skew a Bitmap
Skew a bitmap by an arbitrary angle.
Shift a Bitmap
Shift a bitmap to the left or right.
Add a Border to a Bitmap
Add a border around or inside of a bitmap.
Remove a Border from a Bitmap
Delete a border that surrounds a bitmap.
Flip a Bitmap Vertically
Turn a bitmap upside-down.
Flip a Bitmap Horizontally
Make a mirror copy of a bitmap.
Extract Bitmap Color Palette
Find all colors in a bitmap and extract them.
Convert Bitmap to Byte Array
Create a byte array from a BMP image.
Convert Byte Array to Bitmap
Create a BMP from a byte array.
Convert Bitmap to Webp
Convert a BMP to a Webp.
Convert Webp to Bitmap
Convert a Webp to a BMP.
Convert Bitmap to PNG
Convert a BMP to a PNG.
Convert PNG to Bitmap
Convert a PNG to a BMP
Convert Bitmap to JPEG
Convert a BMP to a JPG.
Convert JPEG to Bitmap
Convert a JPG to a BMP.
Convert Bitmap to BPG
Convert a BMP to a BPG.
Convert BPG to Bitmap
Convert a BPG to a BMP.
Convert GIF to Bitmap
Save GIF frames as BMP images.
Convert BMP to GIF
Convert a bitmap to a single-frame GIF.
Convert Bitmap to Data URI
Create a Data URL scheme of a bitmap.
Convert Data URI to Bitmap
Convert a Data URL scheme back to a bitmap image.
BitBlt Bitmaps
Bit Blit two or more BMPs.
Replace Bitmap Color Index
Put a new color table in a BMP.
Print Bitmap Color Index
Extract the color table of a BMP.
Print Raw Bitmap Pixels
Extract raw RGB pixels from a BMP and print them out as text.
Convert Raw RGB to BMP
Create a bitmap image from raw RGB pixels.
Randomize Bitmap Color Index
Randomly rearrange colors in the BMP color table.
Optimize a Bitmap
Reduce a BMP's memory footprint.
Destroy a BMP
Destroy parts of a bitmap and make it glitchy.